When will I receive my photos?

Turn around is 4-6 weeks from session date, but I get them to you the second I am done!

Do You have current Vaccinations?

Absolutely. Please be confident to ALWAYS ask this of anyone coming near your baby. I am up to date on all vaccinations and received my most recent whooping cough booster in 2018. FYI this needs to be updated every 10 years so asking is always worthwhile.


I’m worried my house doesn’t ‘look’ good enough?

Please don’t. It’s never about the physical space, it’s the heartbeat of it. Your home is beautiful. Consider the light in your home, where are the great windows? Which room do you spend most time in? Often you’re naturally drawn to those areas. You also don’t need to scrub down your house, just a spot clean and everything can be tactically moved if its drawing attention. I’m there to help.


What if it rains? Or me/my kids are sick?

 We reschedule. No extra costs, no problem.


Will you edit out all my flaws?

I believe capturing beautiful family moments are perfect just as they are. I’m not going to remove moles/features unique to you or your kids. However, if you happen to have a rouge pimple appear on the day, or a baby spew/spot on you, I’ve got your back.


What if my kids are misbehaved?

 Never! Your children are angels! Take a deep breath, I’ve seen it all. This is not the time for them to practise perfect manners, it’s time to capture their free and wild. I try my best to get what I like to call ‘grandparent photos’ with your kids looking directly down the lens, but you don’t need them to be fully attentive to get great shots. The more you relax into it, they will feel your vibe – or there’s always bribery. This is a no judgement zone.


What do I wear?

Styling is so important and it is something I would love to be involved in for your shoot. But sticking to a palette is best. Anything too patterned or logos will grab focus. But texture and layers is amazing. My suggestion is that Mumma picks something beautiful for herself and then all other family members are in complimentary colours and there is always my amazing client closet to delve into.